Monday, April 6, 2009

The Philippine Eagle the National Bird

Although more than 85 to 90 percent of the rainforest has disappeared because of legal and especially illegal logging, the Philippines still have a natural environment which houses a wide range of other birds. Many are found in most other humid tropical countries, some species can be found in this country. Between (approximately) 400 bird species, the Philippines, are now much more rare and many are highly endangered. One of these birds is the eagle of the Philippines.


The Philippine Eagle lives in the mountain area around Mount Apo in Mindanao. Long ago, the Philippine Eagle Mountain village clearings of wood or forest in the plain of Luzon, Leyte, Samar and Mindanao. Now, Mount Apo in Mindanao is the last region of the environment in the Philippines, where the eagles live. Most of the time hiding in the forest of eagles. Because of deforestation (recording), the area became to hide rather low.

Description of the appearance:

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  • 75 - 100 cm
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  • Wingspan of two meters
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  • Territory of the Eagle: 60 - 100 m² kiilometre
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  • Crown and crest with streaks of yellowish brown tree
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  • Upper parts rich brown with pale edges to feathers
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  • Tail blackish brown, with bars and a white tip
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  • The feet are yellow